Mittwoch, 07.12.

Von |2018-12-14T10:53:39+01:00Dezember 7th, 2016|Allgemein, WOD|

3 rounds, each for time: Run 1 lap obstacle-course with: 3 rower-jumps zig zag around pillars 6 Box-overs w/DBs, 2x25/15 then 2 Rope Climbs 10 Tire Sledge Hammer, 10/6 [...]

Mittwoch, 16.11.

Von |2018-12-14T10:53:41+01:00November 16th, 2016|Allgemein, WOD|

ODD OBJECT CONDITIONING Sandbag-Fun: 2 rounds, each for time, rest b/t: Run w/Sandbag through a zigzag-course and step-over boxes, with 20 Squats, 10 GHDSU, 20 Wall-Balls [...]

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